Thursday, June 30, 2005

Avenue Q and You!

So in the thrill of Trapeze School, I completely forgot about my other really cool weekend thing - seeing Avenue Q! (It was truly a banner weekend here in muggy NY!)

Avenue Q was even better than I had hoped. You know, you hear the hype and the build up and, usually, the show doesn't match it. I was uber disappointed with Rent when I saw it several years ago and Phantom left me unimpressed.

Avenue Q, however, was amazing. I found myself thinking that if this show were not done with puppets, it probably would not still be open. That's what I love about puppets - you can get away with saying just about anything as long as it comes out of the mouth of something furry and/or cute. The show touched on things that everyone is thinking/feeling but, because the puppets were doing the talking, it didn't feel so harsh. But oh, was it spot on!

Even if you don't get a chance to see a production, I highly recommend the soundtrack. Available here:

My favorite songs (at the moment) are "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist", "The Internet is for Porn", and "There's a Fine, Fine, Line." But, honestly, they are all great.

The actors were fantastic and I found myself focusing more on the puppets than the actors themselves - although occasionally I would watch an actor and marvel "How's he doing that?!?"
I have to admit, however, that I was distracted by one of the actor/puppeteer's horrid comb-over.

Friday, June 24, 2005

I left my stomach on the Lower East Side

Well, I had a great post but then my cat managed to disconnect my modem and I lost it all. Figures. The little bugger is most jealous of me. You see, today I went to


Yes, I flew through the air screaming like a stuck piggy. It was easily the most terrifying thing I have ever done in my entire life.

Everyone should try it. Check out: for yourself.

I am sunburned, sore and still a bit shakey from my flights and I am so amazed that I did it. When I get my film back, I'll post pictures and more thoughts on the experience. I think I still need to process everything. It was really, really wild and completely and utterly terrifying.


Tuesday, June 21, 2005

ARRGH! My Eyes! My Eyes! (My Job! My Job!)

Or…the dangers of random blog surfing whilst at work.

Sigh. So I had some down time at work yesterday and I was surfing through the different blogs on There are some really cool ones on here. However, aside from the ones that are ALL ADVERITSEMENTS ALL THE TIME! there are a few that shouldn’t be opened. Ever. Nothing like clicking on the “Next Blog” button and suddenly come face to face with a woman’s naked body in a bath tub. And I'm not talking about a Playboy Bunny, either. Yikes!

Did I mention I was at work?

And since I no longer have an office, my computer is pretty much visible to most people around me. Not to mention the fact that all my web-surfing is being monitored somewhere, I’m sure.


And although I could draw the obvious connection between cats and nekkid women, I think I’ll refrain for now.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Adjusting other people's clothes

Now I know I'm out of touch with fashion. I was walking through Grand Central Station this morning behind a woman who was not fat but certainly wasn't model-thin. She was wearing a pair of low-rider jeans (which look horrible on about 99% of the population - nothing like wrapping something tight around one of the fattest parts of the body) and a tight tee shirt that wouldn't stay down. I ended up walking behind her from the train to 42nd St. And fighting the urge to reach over and pull her shirt down.

I can't decide if all this display of non-thin flesh is a good thing (Hey! Girls are so confident these days, they don't care if their less-than-firm tummies and butts hang out!) or a bad thing (Hey! Girls are such a slave to fashion, they don't care if their less-than-firm tummies and butts hang out!) All I know is that everything I go to the mall these days, I find myself thinking more and more "I'd never let MY daughter out of the house looking like that!"

And since my cats don't wear low-riders I really can't think how to tie them into this.