Sunday, April 20, 2008

Moment of Perfect Peace

I so rarely have these nowadays, what with Teach facing his second surgery in 7 months. However, one just hit me and I want to capture that feeling so maybe I'll remember what it was like when things get crazy again.

What's so odd is that I'm not really doing anything for myself at the moment. I'm actually marking essays for Teach. Nothing like trying to decipher a 5th grade history essay, let me tell you. But, I'm sitting here, listening to music ("Such Great Heights" by The Postal Service to be exact), reading an actually decent essay when I realize that I'm at complete peace. My foot is bouncing to the beat of the song, I have one cat sleeping within arms reach on the desk and the other 5 feet away, snoring in the easy chair. (Yes, she snores. Loudly.) I'm bewildered that I would feel peace at this moment but, for some reason, I do.

And it's really nice.


At 8:41 PM, Blogger BostonPobble said...

Take peace wherever you can find it and don't question the gift. ;)

At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think of you often. I upgraded my computer and I haven't downloaded all of my old emails. So, I can't track down your email address. When you get a chance, email me at and I'll send you an update. I'm back in NY now and hopefully sometime we can catch up

-Kim Baker


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