Tuesday, June 21, 2005

ARRGH! My Eyes! My Eyes! (My Job! My Job!)

Or…the dangers of random blog surfing whilst at work.

Sigh. So I had some down time at work yesterday and I was surfing through the different blogs on blogspot.com. There are some really cool ones on here. However, aside from the ones that are ALL ADVERITSEMENTS ALL THE TIME! there are a few that shouldn’t be opened. Ever. Nothing like clicking on the “Next Blog” button and suddenly come face to face with a woman’s naked body in a bath tub. And I'm not talking about a Playboy Bunny, either. Yikes!

Did I mention I was at work?

And since I no longer have an office, my computer is pretty much visible to most people around me. Not to mention the fact that all my web-surfing is being monitored somewhere, I’m sure.


And although I could draw the obvious connection between cats and nekkid women, I think I’ll refrain for now.


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