Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Things that chap my hide...

1) Wireless service taxes. Is there any service taxed more than wireless service? I mean, really. Every tax possible is on my friggin' bill. Here's the current list of taxes (not including surcharges): State 911, County 911, Federal, State Sales, State McTd Sales (WTF?), County Sales, City Sales, and (the kicker) City school district. Excuse me? My wireless service is now being taxed for the school district? Where's the memo on that? When did that happen? And, if that isn't bad enough, my late fees are also subject to State and Federal taxes. So here I am, paying $28.91 a month in taxes and surcharges. That's almost $350.00 a year! That equals like 2.5 tanks of gas. Sheesh!

Holy crap, I'm drawing a blank. I had a whole list in mind when I started this post and they all just flew out the window. What the heck's wrong with me?

Okay, let's change it to things that don't chap my hide (in no particular order)...

1) The phrase "chap my hide" Love it. LOVE IT. Too bad I can never remember to actually use it any place other than this blog.

2) My cats. Merlin and Isabella. My fur babies, my friends, my fuzzy-wuzzies. I came home sick today (ooh! Allergies - chap my hide! chap my hide! or, actually...chap my nose! chap my nose!) and sprawled out on the bed. Within seconds, both furbabies were on the bed, checking out the situation and curling up with me. Ah, bliss. Bed, Macaroons, Buffy the Vampire Slayer on DVD, two furry critters and 3 hours of uninterrupted "ME" time (interspersed with nose blowing, of course).

3) My job. Good job. Very good job. Like the people, like the work, like the view. Can't complain.

4) The Fiance. Damn if he can't make me laugh. Wheezing, can't catch my breath, ohmigod I'm dying laugh. And he bought me a fabulous Seatbelt bag that I was jonesing for.

5) Springtime (despite the allergies)

6) Good movies

7) Good books

8) Good friends (especially ones that are going wedding dress shopping with me!)

9) Good food. Can't wait, CAN'T WAIT until Passover is passed and over. I used to think Lent was hard. Although Lent was 40 days rather than 8, I only had to give up one thing. With Passover, I'm pretty much giving up my entire diet. I can't decide what I'm going to eat on Thursday night - a giant bowl of cereal or a giant bowl of pasta. At least I learned to make Matzoh Ball soup (okay, so it's a mix, but I did have to mix it together and make the balls!).

10) Purple. I love purple. All shades. My room as a child was lavender. In grad school, my car was a lovely shade of fuschia (damn, I miss that car). I've insisted that when we repaint our bedroom, it be some shade of purple. Everyone needs more purple in their lives.

And that will do it for now. Wedding plans are hold at the moment, only because I need a break from thinking about them, not because the wedding itself is on hold. It's gonna happen. It has to since I've actually started telling people about it!

Saturday, April 08, 2006


I’m getting married. On July 2, 2006. At 3:00pm. Overlooking the Hudson River.

I’m freaking out.

I’ve never thought of myself as being the “marrying kind.” Okay, yeah, so the BF and I have been together since 1997, living together since 1998 so it’s sorta like we are already married.

But it’s not. Like it, I mean.

And here I am, the Anti-Bride, trying to plan a wedding.

I can barely manage to get myself dressed in the morning and I’m trying to plan a wedding.

Some interesting wedding-related facts about me:

1) I have NEVER bought a bridal magazine. Ever. Not even for an art class collage project.
2) My Barbies never married. Not Ken, not each other.
3) I never played bridal dress-up.
4) I’ve only been to 9 weddings in my life – the last one in 2000.
5) I was actually “in” only one of those weddings.
6) My college roommate told me (in 1992) that she could picture me with a child but couldn’t picture me getting married.

So far, the only thing that is certain about this wedding is the date, time, and venue. We are meeting with the catering manager of the venue on Monday to hammer out the menu.

I should probably change the name of this blog to Wedding Trauma.

I will make it through the next 2.5 months. I will make it through the next 2.5 months. Holy Shit! It’s only 2.5 months?!?!? I will make it through the next 2.5 months. I will make it through the next 2.5 months…