Saturday, January 21, 2006

Remember when...

1) Saturday morning cartoons were really cool?
I mean, really. I remember racing downstairs by 8:00am to watch my very favorite cartoon - Scooby Doo. Mom tells me that I always used to dance when the Scoobies sang and they were my imaginary friends. If she ever asked me to do something I didn't really want to do, my response was "I can't, the Scoobies are coming!" I think I remember playing in the backyard, making mudpies with the Scoobies. And what about those other great cartoons - Thundar, the Barbarian or Dungeons and Dragons? I know they are on the Cartoon Network now but there was something about Saturday morning cartoons. Now Saturday morning TV just sucks. Even with 300 channels.

2) Little Debbie snack cakes tasted good?
I buy these now at the local .99 store and they just taste awful. I mean terrible. Occasionally I get in the mood for an oatmeal creme pie or a Swiss cake roll and at those times nothing, and I mean NOTHING will satisfy the craving except for one of those chemical-laden creations but to eat on a regular basis? No way!

3) Books you read for fun in middle school were really great But suck big time now?
One of my favorite books ever - Wrack and Roll is actually really quite dumb. I ordered it used recently are re-read it. Within the first five pages I thought "What was I thinking?" The plot was improbable and a bit stupid. And plus, it was written in the 80s when we all thought we'd die in a nuclear holocaust.

4) Summer lasted forever?
That's the one thing I really hate about being out in the "real world" - no summer vacation. It's doubly hard because the BF is a teacher and gets the summers off. He actually said to me one day this past summer "where are you going?" when I got out of bed at 6:00am. "To work. Duh!" He just mumbled, rolled over, and went back to sleep. I've been out of school since '97 and I still can't help of think of life in terms of semesters.

5) It was really cool to stay up late?
Sadly, I can only manage to stay up late on weekdays - when I need to go to bed early so I can get up and go to work. When I want to stay up late on weekends to watch Saturday Night Live, I always fall asleep. Sucks.

That's all for now. I'll think of more soon! Feel free to share your own.


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