Saturday, October 08, 2005

Things I want...

1 - MP3 player - I walk 2 miles to the train station. I have a 35 minute ride to the city. I need me some tunes!!!

2 - New bed - Right now our mattress is on the floor. We had a bed but it was old (and I mean OLD) and it broke. And it was so old, it broke when we weren't even in it. How sad is that?!? I want a platform bed with drawers. I need more storage space.

3 - Kitty City - okay, so obviously this isn't for me. It's for the stinker, Isabella. She loves the two cat trees she already has and I know she would just go binky-bonkers for this thing. I hope to get it for her before she gets to be too old to enjoy it.

4 - New cross trainers - like I said, I walk 2 miles to the train station (actually 4 miles if we count the way home). I've put some serious milage on the shoes I have right now.

5 - Bra fitting - I want to own a bra that actually fits me. I want to be measured and be fitted with a bra that doesn't bind, pinch, or poke. One that holds me in and yet still looks flattering.

6 - Mini Cooper - yeah, like that's gonna happen.

7 - Pug - once I'm in an actual house.

8 - Engagement ring - guess I'd better talk to the BF about that one...

9 - PSP - have you seen this thing??? Wow! Talk about amazing technology.

10 - new cell phone - one with a camera so I can take pictures of all the pugs I see in the city.


At 3:58 PM, Blogger BostonPobble said...

Sign me up to go with for the bra fitting. That would be SOOOO nice.


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