Monday, December 12, 2005

Little Things

In the spirit of Pobble, here are little things that have happened recently that have made me happy/laugh out loud:

1 - First snowfall of the season.

2 - Getting hit on by a dairy truck driver while I'm waiting for the bus bundled up like an Eskimo during the first snowfall of the season (I'm flattered but I'm not turning around so you can see my butt. And thank you for offering me the carton of milk.)

3 - One of the guys I support at work printed out an article for me about how important Administrative Assistants are in the workplace. He told me that I fit the article to a "T" and he was glad I was there. (Have I mentioned that I love my job?)

4 - Isabella took a nap with me on the sofa yesterday.

5 - I got my first Christmas card today.

6 - My BF insisted that I watch 50 First Dates tonight because he had seen it at least 15 times and loved it. Anyone who knows my BF would be dubious but I watched it and loved it. Who would have thought? My slash-em-up-movie BF loves a romantic comedy!

7 - The view from my cubicle. I will never get tired of it and I'm so thrilled that I have it.

8 - I saw my downstairs neighbor yesterday at the building holiday party (the one who is diabetic, wheel-chair bound and unable to speak). She looked lovely in a dark red sweater set and I was thrilled to see her. I didn't realize how much I missed running into her in the evenings. She can't get out much now because of the cold. She'll be getting flowers from me soon.

9 - Merlin. Even though he's a big, furry, pain in the ass (well, not so big now. He's down two pounds in 6 months and the vet isn't sure what's wrong with him.) He whines, and cries, and pokes me in the face but his eyes just make me melt when he looks at me.

10 - The laser light show at Grand Central. Cheesy, yes. But it makes me feel like a kid again, every time I see it.

I'm sure there's more. There is always more.


At 11:24 AM, Blogger BostonPobble said...

Oh how lovely! Those little things are so special. Glad to see you back, too. I always check, just in case. And I Love the fact that BF ~ the king of the zombie movie! ~ loves a romance!!!!


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