Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Art of Emotion

Oooo...I found this entry that I started last week. I don't remember why I didn't post it so I'm going to go ahead and put it up. I'm going to the opera again this weekend so maybe I'll remember what I was trying go say...

I went to the Opera last weekend. I saw Madama Butterfly. I did not shed a tear until the curtain call when the wonderful singer playing Butterfly started crying when she received a standing ovation. Nothing like true emotion to get me choked up and teary.

I consider myself a romantic masquerading as a cynic. I don't like people to realize that I'm just a big mush ball, easily manipulated by obvious emotional ploys. Extreme Makeover: Home Edition gets me every. single. time.

However, when I see movies, I don't want to be manipulated. I want to feel that emotion because the character got me to that point. There's nothing I hate more than when I'm starting to get teary and I realize it's the music that did it to me, not the text or the character.

Don't get me wrong...I'm all for emotional music. Mozart's Requiem makes my soul tremble (or maybe I'm just remembering singing it with a full choir, orchestra and a hangover). And Vesti la giubba always made me shiver, even before I knew what the song meant.

And now I've gone and completely forgotten the point of this entry.

(I just spell-checked it and the word "Makeover" was not recognized. It came up as macabre. I guess some people would think that fitting...yet when I left the r out of macabre, the spellcheck couldn't come up with it. Bizarre.


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