New Job
So, I started my new job last week. I'm actually kinda digging it. I have an awesome view of NYC. I think I have one of the primo cubicles (if there is such a thing). I'm on the 38th floor right next to the SE corner office. My cube is the first along the windows on the south end of the building. I have a beautiful view of midtown and lower Manhattan. I can even see the Statue of Liberty waaaaaayyyyy down. And, when it's clear, I'm pretty sure I can see a bit of the Brooklyn Bridge.
So, just having natural light, when I wasn't expecting any at all, is a serious boon.
I'm supporting nine (yes, 9) people. Once they figure out I'm not just a pretty face (snort) and can do a heck of a lot more than scan documents and send out FedExs, I expect I will be swamped with work. But (and here's my new mantra)
Hey! Hey! I won't mind!
I'll be gettin' overtime!
Yep! I'm a non-exempt employee which means I'll be making time and a half for any work over 40 hours a week. Take that former boss who thought a fancy-shmancy title that doesn't mean jack in the real world makes up for the fact that you drastically underpaid me during my entire 7 years with your company. Piss on this!!!!!
And the people are pretty nice, too. Only fly so far is the woman who is in the cubicle next to me. She came back to work yesterday after being on vacation for the previous week. And she talks to herself. Loudly. And she curses to herself. Loudly. And she talks on the phone. Loudly. And she curses on the phone. Loudly.
I'm no prude, but saying "Fuck" in a loud voice on a crowded office floor is a bit more than I can take. She sounds like Jeanne Garafalo in a really foul mood. If I had a quarter for every f-bomb she drops I wouldn't have to find laundry money every weekend.
Oh yeah, my other annoyance - the little salad dressing cups at the salad bar in the company's cafeteria (yeah, baby. There's a rockin' caf in the building!) For some reason, I have major butter fingers trying to put my olive oil and balsamic vinegar in those little cups. I even mangaged to drop an entire cup of olive oil on the floor. Flash back to middle school anyone?
And I feel like such a geek in my suits. I can't believe I have to wear these every day! I feel like such a dork. I wore a great tweed suit today. All I needed was a pipe, a hat, a magnifying glass and an English accent. And a dead body or two.
(And here comes Isabella, sneaking her way back to the printer - see post below - she thinks she's going to slkdasjf;askk;dsler get out of the way Isabella!)
So, so far so good. Check back here in a couple of months and see how I'm faring!
(side - ever notice how this spell check doesn't seem to know ANY words? I thought laundry was a word, but maybe I'm wrong...)
Yea! I'm so glad you have a veiw! (who'd have guessed?) And the fact that you get overtime is more exciting that I can say--because you do deserve it after all that time of being underpaid (and hopefully now you can avoid working some awful retail job over the holidays)! The only down side does seem to be the suit thing (who wears suits anymore?). But I bet you look damn cute. And you have a halloween costume all lined up for next year. I bet I can chip in with a monocle.
Good luck!!!
you know me ~ I like suits. but then, I'm a goob, too, so consider the source. GREAT about the space and the job. Consider this ~ everytime the woman "next door" cusses, say "geisuntiet" (only spell it correctly.)
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