Saturday, October 08, 2005

Thought rags

Random thoughts...

1) I haven't written much about my cats recently...I've been neglectful. After all, they were supposed to be the reason I started this thing in the first place. I have found, though, that as much as I love my cats, I can't imagine anyone really cares to hear about their adventures every day. Let's face it, everyone thinks he/she has the best pets in the world. But of course, everyone is wrong since Isabella and Merlin are the best pets ever. Except when Merlin sticks his paw up my nose at 5:00am to get me up or Isabella sticks her paw in the printer and breaks off little pieces.

2) I read a really great blog this evening - Bear Tracks. Check it out. The link is right over there ----->

3) I almost got creamed by a squirrel the other morning. I generally walk to the train station and I was passing under a tree when "Splat!" a squirrel smacked the sidewalk right in front of me. If I had been moving a smidgen faster, he would have landed right on top of my head. As it was, I almost stepped on him while simultaneously nearly choking my heart out. Mr. Squirrel appeared to be all right, though. He ran back up the tree. The next day I got an acorn thrown at me. I think I'll start walking on the other side of the street.

4) I got a job offer this week. I just got the official written offer today (via FedEx, no less) with lots of paperwork to sign and send back. I'm starting to get a bit excited about the whole thing. I don't know when my first day is - it depends on how long the background check is. They will be checking my employment history, my educational history and my criminal history. They won't find much in the latter department - unless the fashion police filed a report.

5) Brittany Spears is having marital troubles. With her husband's track record, I can't imagine why...

6) The Pobble's birthday was this week. I hope she had a wonderful birthday week.

7) Mr. Bush said in a speech yesterday that the terrorists were using the war in Iraq as an excuse. Hmmm...I'm not supportive of the terrorists in any way, shape, or form, yet I seem to recall that Mr. Bush used the terrorists as an excuse to invade Iraq...

8) Is anyone else out in Blog-land impatiently waiting for 11/8 and the release of A Feast for Crows?

9) If you want to eat raw cookie dough but are afraid of the raw egg, you can replace the egg with one tablespoon of milled flax seed and three tablespoons of water. And you'll get fiber and Omega 3 oils. Yum!

10) There used to be an abandoned apartment building near the Metro North 125th St. Station stop in Harlem that was right near the southbound train tracks. Most of the windows were knocked out, exposing the rooms to the elements. There was one room with an interior door opening into the room. The back of the door faced the broken window. Hanging on this door was a pair of khaki pants. They were folded up and hanging on a hanger which was hanging on the back of the door - not the door knob, the door itself.
The pants hung there for years. I've often wondered what the story was behind them. The entire apartment was empty - devoid of furniture and any signs of life - except for these pants. What were they doing there? Who left them behind and why?
The pants aren't there anymore. As part of the Harlem revitalization (aka regentrification aka let's get rid of all the poor people who have been living here all their lives) the building was gutted and renovated into what looks like beautiful (and expensive) apartments.

That's it. Random thoughts and dribbles from my brain. 10's enough for now. I'll probably think of 10 more as soon as I turn off the computer. Such is life...I think I'll go have a cookie and a glass of milk before scooping up my big, black, deaf fur ball and heading off to sleep.


At 3:57 PM, Blogger BostonPobble said...

1. Better he wake you that way than me!
2. Will go there as soon as I'm done here.
3. This still makes me laugh. Snort my coffee laugh.
4. In a purple folder, nonetheless! How cool is that?
5. I am shocked! Shocked, I say!
6. I have. You were missed.
7. Hm. I got nothing here.
8. OMG! I didn't know you read that series!!!!! I'm desperate! (How did we not know this about each other?????)
9. Is it okay with you if I stick to risking the raw egg?
10. One of these days, I'm going to put that in a book.


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