Tuesday, January 31, 2006


I am annoyed. Why? Let me count the ways...

1) I work in NYC. Why can I not find Atomic Fireballs in NYC? Why can I only find Atomic Fireballs on-line and have to pay a fortune to have them shipped to me in 5-7 days when I want one NOW. (Sounding a bit like Veruca Salt here)

2) Did you know I'm a bitch, whore AND a cunt? Yes, according to the JACKASS driving the car in front of me I am all three of these things. And why, may you ask? Well, I guess it's because the JA driving in front of me spied a parking space on the street and, instead of slowing down and putting is blinker on BEFORE he got to the space, he blew by it, slammed on his breaks, and then threw his car into reverse. And then called me all those names because I wouldn't immediately back up so that he could park his tub of a car in the space. Uh, excuse me Mr. Jackass. There is a line of cars BEHIND ME so backing up is a bit problematic. Asshole.

3) My cat, whom I love dearly and without compare will not SHUT UP! He's old and cranky and he cries ALL THE TIME. Now, before you animal lovers berate me and tell me he's sick, let me assure that he's not sick. He's just a pain in the ass. Sadly, it's partially my fault he's such a PITA. I spoiled him. I admit it. But, for goodness sake! If I get up at 5:30am to feed the darn creature, I don't appreciate him coming back to me at 5:40am and crying because he didn't like the food. I could open every single solitary can of cat food in my cupboard and he would still be back, crying and pacing up and down my side, poking his paw up my nose, walking across my boobs, sticking his ass in my face. He does this EVERY SINGLE MORNING. Don't get me wrong. I love the little shit. He's adorable and loving (when he's not whining) and I just get angry because I don't know how to make it better. He's deaf so I can't even talk to him and try to sooth him with my voice. And never fear...I would never EVER hurt my baby boy. I just fuss about him and curse at him. It's not like he can hear me.

4) Why can't I buy chocolate Smarties in the US? Once again, I can buy them on line, but that really defeats the purpose. Instant gratification is not to be mine.

5) Bush's State of the Union address. 'Nuff said.


At 10:29 AM, Blogger BostonPobble said...

It's the little things, ain't it? Here's mine ~ why can I only find the chicken dish I like in packages of 24???? I don't NEED 24 stuffed chicken breasts! I will never EAT 24 stuffed chicken breasts. How about 4? Or even 6? Nope. I can only find them in packages of 24. Go figure.


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