Friday, May 20, 2005

New Address!

Thanks to my always awesome friend RT, I have changed the address to this blog and I have shed the guilt I felt over "borrowing" the name Slave2MyCat. (Get it? *shed* I crack myself up).

I've had a really yucky couple of days where I was annoyed at everybody and everything but I'm much more chipper today. Hooray for Fridays!

I finally bought a squirt bottle to squirt Isabella when she defies me jumps on the kitchen counters and starts knocking things off. I had to use it last night when she keep getting on the sink in my bathroom and knocking my contacts into the trash can. I must have gotten her because when I got up this morning, she had pulled all the TP off the roller. At first I was going to yell at the BF for using up all my TP but then I saw it pooled on the floor. She is the only culprit. Merlin doesn't have claws. (We didn't do it, I swear! He came that way!!)

I took a Jazz dance class yesterday and I suddenly realized just how old I am. It wasn't this hard 11 years ago, let me tell you! I am so amazingly sore I'll probably be hobbling for the rest of the weekend. Isabella will be upset since I won't be able to chase her around the apartment but I guess she'll survive somehow! Probably by knocking things off the counters and running away before I can squirt her. The little mess!


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