Name Change/Confession Time
NOTE: I wrote a brilliant post on this subject and then lost the entire thing when my IE crashed. So, 'coz I think this is important, I'm writing it again and NOT playing God of War on the PS2, which is what I had planned on doing after hitting "Publish". And now Isabella is awake and has decided to park her butt right in front of the monitor. Not my night at all.
Anyway, I created this blog several days ago and after typing a number of web addresses for my blog, and having them all turned down, I came up with Slave2MyCat. Or so I thought. Turns out Slave2MyCat is a fellow poster on one of my absolute favorite forums and I just didn't put the two together until I saw a post earlier this evening. I have apologized to the real Slave2MyCat and have changed the title for my blog. I haven't yet discovered how to change the address.
All this got me thinking about screen names, however. While I feel horrible about shang-haiing my fellow-poster's nomiker, I wonder if I am in the majority or the minority. (Of course, I was the type of person who, in my highschool and college papers, gave credit to EVERYONE. My footnote and bibliography pages were always very long. ) So my hypothetical question is (hypothetical since I highly doubt anyone will be reading this) have you ever seen a screen-name, thought "Cool!" and used it elsewhere? Screennames are kinda cool when you think about it because we have (almost) total control of what we name ourselves. If I want to be SexyHotChick, I can be, and no one will know that I'm 35, short and struggling with my weight (in which case I could be OldShortFatty)
I actually have 4 different screen names I use various places. Three of them are from books that I loved Loved LOVED. I've never run into another Nemeria even though it's from a wildly popular series of books (A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. Waiting patiently for Book 4 - A Feast for Crows). Of course, the fact that I spelled it wrong may have something to do with that.
And to tie this whole thing in with my cats, Merlin was named Merlin when we got him. We kept the name because it fit - almost all black with magical green eyes. The little girl we adopted with Merlin, (who we have since lost) was named Olivia. We never called her that. She was Van Gogh from the first moment we saw her. (Yes, she was missing an ear. Turns out she was deaf, too, so Beethoven would have worked as well). And Isabella - a rather fancy name for such an ornery little miss - was named after hurricane Isabelle. The BF brought her home right before the hurricane hit NYC. We were only going to keep her until the storm blew over. Yeah, we were lying to ourselves. She became Isabella the next day although the vet suggested Ginger. We didn't think Ginger fit.
So, that's it for now. Slave2MyCat - I again apologize for swiping your screen name for my blog name. It was just so darn clever - that should have clued me in that I hadn't thought of it myself!
Hmmm, now if I can get Isabella out of the way, I may just have time to save Athens...
"chocotravelholic" damn, I was jealous when I saw that one. nearly stole it! ;)
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