Joining the Mob
So, my really cool friend, Reluctant Texan, decided to start a blog (Coffee in my Veins) and, after reading hers I decided to give it a whirl. I have no idea if I'll keep up with this or not. Here's to beginning.
So, as my blog name says, I am a slave to my cat. Actually, cats. They rule my life while my BF just thinks he does. Let me introduce you to my clan:
Merlin - old man and crankster extraordinare. He's about 14 years old. We aren't really sure. We adopted him in 2000 from an animal shelter. He actually chose me. We had decided on another cat and were waiting for the paperwork when I feel a cat rub up against my back, come around to my right side and look up at me with these amazing green eyes. Why anyone would want to give this handsome and loving mush up is beyond me. Of course, he spent the first week hiding behind my toilet...
Isabella - monster/menace/troublemaker. She's about 2 years old. We adopted her off the mean streets of the South Bronx when she was about 9 months old. Since then, her goals in life seem to be: terrorize Merlin, knock everything off the kitchen cabinets - breakable or not, shred every piece of furniture, carpet, clothes hamper and speaker in sight, and pretty much run around like a holy terror. Not necessarily in that order.
Of course, I love these two furry creatures to pieces.
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