Wedding Stuff - Entries #2-10
Oh the drama, the DRAMA of it all.
I bought a dress. Then tried the dress on and decided it looked horrible. I mean HORRIBLE! Hated the dress but didn't have time to go buy a new one. Went to David's Bridals today. In and out in 1.5 hours with a dress, veil, shoes and strapless bra. It took me longer to pick out the shoes than to pick the dress (really wanted the wedge or the clear platforms - neither pair worked with the dress, though. Must go pick up some wedges for every day wear. Where did my inner shoe maven go?)
There is just too much to go into about these darn rings. I just hope we have something on our wedding day to give each other. Right now it's looking like they're gonna be aluminum foil.
When? Where? Who knows! All I know is that it MUST be done in the next two weeks or the wedding isn't happening. It was supposed to be done today but the mikveh wasn't working. Hopefully Friday is the day.
Birth certificate? I know it's here somewhere. Yes, I've seen it here. No, I don't know exactly where it is but I have a pretty good idea where to look. Yes, I know perfectly well if I can't find it I'll have to call my home town. I'm really NOT an idiot.
So College Roomate doesn't know if she's coming with the kids or with her husband. So FBIL hasn't made up his mind if he's coming or not. WHO CARES??? We aren't paying by head so it doesn't really matter. All we need to do is give a ball-park headcount and we're fine. Really, we'll be fine. Breathe. Please.
Finally, found a harpist and a violinist. Waiting on the contract. Two weeks away and I need to pay them a deposit but, don't have the money yet. Must wait for FGIL to decide exactly how he wants to pay. Cash? AMEX? Check? *Sigh*
Don't get me wrong. I love the guy. He has been so generous to me, and I'm amazingly grateful that he volunteered to fund this event. We've been able to do much more than we had planned. Actual flowers. Musicians. A Photographer. I'm amazed and overwhelmed by his generosity. And I'm frustrated and frantic by his constant phone calls, "advice", and jump-through-the-hoops "suggestions." I only need to make it through two more weeks.
Have not met yet. Probably won't meet until the wedding day. It's a shame but not much can be done about it. DF stressed and annoyed by this. Have no suggestions as his parents are coming in a day before mine and are staying in the city while my parents are coming in the afternoon before the wedding and staying in the county. No way are we all getting together Saturday night. That's my time to have a major freak-out/melt-down that my fabulous MOH will deal with and then put me back together. 'Coz that's what she does.
Where are we going? What are we doing? We need to get away but where should we go? How are we paying for it? Who will take care of the cats? I'm taking the week off. I don't care if we don't go anywhere. Just let me sleep (among other things) for the week and I'll be fine.
Ooh, finally. No DRAMA! The cake is going to beautiful and delicious. Truffles galore all around and the truffles are to DIE for. Chocolate infused with cinnamon. Chocolate infused with orange. Chocolate infused with raspberry. Chocolate infusion STAT!!!!
Tiddly pom...tiddly pom...tiddly pom...beware the spork....tiddly pom...
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